The one thing that the BME280 sensor cannot do, is measure light! Well, we can fix that. The BlueDot BME280+TSL2591 Advanced Weather Station combines two awesome sensors in one board! While the BME280 measures temperature, humidity, pressure, and altitude, the TSL2591 measures illuminance with great sensitivity.
Here are five features that make the BlueDot BME280+TSL2591 Advanced Weather Station so awesome:
- Light, Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, and Altitude Measurements. You can measure illuminance, temperature, relative humidity, and air pressure with high precision. Besides, the pressure measurements allow you to calculate your altitude with a precision of ± 1.0 meters.
- 3.3V and 5V Power Supply. The onboard voltage regulator accepts anything from 2.6V to 5.5V to supply the BME280 and the TSL2591 sensors.
- I²C Communication. Using the I²C communication you need no more than two wires to transfer data from and to your board.
- Data Transfer with both 5V and 3.3V devices. While devices like the Arduino Uno interpret a 5V signal as a logic HIGH, the BME280 and the TSL2591 use 3.3V as a logic HIGH. The onboard logic level converter translates the 5V signals into 3.3V signals and vice-versa.
- BlueDot BME280 TSL2591 Library for Arduino. Yes! You don’t need to struggle with any datasheet! With the BlueDot BME280 TSL2591 Library, you can start measuring right away. Download the library from the Arduino IDE, Github, or our Website.
Important Note: The sensors TSL2591 and BNO055 do not work together. They share the same I²C addresses (0x28 and 0x29). Despite using only the address 0x29 for the I²C communication, the sensor TSL2591 also reserves the address 0x28 all the time. If you wish to use the BME280+TSL2591 board with the BNO055 board, please consider using an I²C multiplexer.